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Source: Refinitiv

Refinitiv is further expanding the scope of its data-driven due diligence reports with the addition of cybersecurity and company credit risk ratings from BitSight and Creditsafe.

The Financial Stability Board is attempting to develop a co-ordinated regulatory approach to the risks arising from bank outsourcing and third party relationships.

The European Central bank has blamed a software defect at a third party technology provider for an outage that downed the Target2 settlement system for almost 11 hours on Friday.

Federal regulators have slammed Citigroup for failing to correct deficiencies in enterprise-wide risk management, compliance risk management, data governance, and internal controls, hitting the bank with a $400 million fine and cease and desist order.

Source: Acams

Divided opinion on the perceived risk of cryptocurrency including the links between cryptocurrency and illicit purposes were among the key findings of a global survey -- the second commissioned by RUSI and ACAMS in partnership with YouGov – and based on 566 unique responses from across the global financial and cryptocurrency industries, including cryptocurrency exchanges, financial regulators and financial intelligence units.

In the first ever comprehensive recommendation to be provided by a US financial regulatory agency to other regulators and financial institutions, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) Climate-Related Market Risk Subcommittee has released a strong warning signal about climate risk management.

Source: ACI Worldwide

ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ: ACIW), a leading global provider of real-time digital payment software and solutions, today announced that Sri Lanka’s National Savings Bank (NSB) will leverage its Payments Risk Management solution to enable enterprise-wide fraud detection and prevention.

The European Central Bank says EU financial institutions have an over-optimistic view of their IT resilience and resistance to cyber threats owing to an undue reliance on outsourcing and legacy wiring.






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